
About us

At BabySteps, we stick by our motto ‘Connect Through Play’; it’s our mission to help parents educate their little ones through the joy of play. We desire to share what we’ve learned about child development, inspired by a Montessori parenting philosophy.

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Our Story

Our story began as just that, BabySteps – the steps of our founder, Gini’s, daughter Amora to be exact. It was while sitting back, soaking up the wildly vast world of ‘parenting tips’ and countless hours researching what are the right products for their daughter’s development?

Not a straightforward solution existed. So we asked the question, why don’t we develop one.

But our story doesn’t end at Montessori Baby Toys; if anything, this is the beginning of our little adventure. Our research team is constantly developing new, innovative ideas to help simplify parents’ lives and add value to their little one’s development.

Our Values

Alongside being proud parents, we want our children to grow up in a brighter tomorrow. While deeply stuck into our research, we found that while children’s toys play a tremendous role in their development, so do the materials.

We understand the importance of environment impact from toys and hence we build quality wooden toys that can be passed to other parents.

Why Montessori?

We recognise the unique potential inside of every child; at BabySteps, we believe that they have the right to the best opportunities to flourish. Our range of products follows the Maria Montessori ethos and values – a strong emphasis on learning, educating and developing independence through play!

As makers of toys with purpose, we’re committed to building a brighter future for our next generation. We hand select and craft boxes built on age and development – did you perhaps know that 80% of child development happens within the first 3-years?

It’s widely researched that Montessori toys, among many other benefits proven to support neuronal connections by committing to independent play. We carefully back every ounce of research into all our current collections.

Let us do all the research

Let us handle the research. Get montessori principles relevant to your child’s age. We will send montessori activities list when you sign-up and join Babysteps family.