With Babysteps, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing your baby is getting the perfect toys for their stage of development.

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Baby Toys Box As Per Baby’s Age

Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $155.00.
Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $155.00.
Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $155.00.
Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $155.00.
Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $155.00.

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Save Time and Keep Your Baby Happy with Our Expertly Curated Age-Appropriate Toy Box Subscription!

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Paediatrician Approved Montessori Toy Box

How we deliver the age appropriate toys?

No contract and No commitment


I have questions about playkits

No, there is no commitment. Just pick up a kit and start playing! We have developed our toys so that they provide learning opportunities right from birth all the way until early childhood development. You can order the playkit as per baby’s age and buy again next playkit if you like.

80% of brain development happens in first 3 years of life. Baby is learning from day one. Our montessori toy box are designed to provide your child development she needs at the particular age.

We are so glad you discovered Montessori toys! They are expertly designed to stimulate motor functions, brain development, and social skills in children of all ages. Montessori toys provide best play time with learning specific skills. You can download our fee montessori guide.

We understand that every child develops differently. Our subscription boxes are the foundation for accelerated learning through development. Why not add that extra layer of confidence when it comes to your child’s growth?

Absolutely not. Babies love playing with same toys for a while and then they need new toys. Babies learn through repetition. Introduce same toy after two weeks and you will see they engage with same toys again.

Our suggested age range is for guidance only. It is not the must. Depending where your child is in the developmental stage, you can either choose to purchase 5-6 month old or 7-8 month old kit. All the toys are used by babies for years. Our shipping takes only 2-5 days so there is no buffer time you need to add in deciding relevant playkit.

We ship baby toys box across AU, NZ, Singapore, USA, Canada and UK. All baby toys box are delivered with free shipping and tracking number. 

What customers say?

100s of happy customers of products. We combined best products for your child’s age to save your time and money.

Play Kits by Babysteps: A Game Changer for Natural Parenting – Making Playtime Fun and Meaningful with Fewer Toys 


We are overjoyed with the contents of our box. We can’t stop looking at how Christopher loves all the toys.


Babysteps Play Kits: A Godsend for Early Childhood Development – Boosting Concentration and Fine Motor Skills with the Right Materials


Watching my son figure it out was a wonderful moment. I can’t believe how much thought he went through just to make an observation about something we both know very well.


The third playkit I ordered from this company has been the most enjoyable one yet! My daughter loves every toy in it, and she plays with them constantly through rotation.


I’m so happy I found this company. They provide the best developmental toys for babies and their shipping is fast! The product was delivered next day.


What child experts say

We know it is difficult to find the best toys for your child. That’s why we have pediatricians approve each expertly designed toy that is included in our subscription boxes. We do the verifying and authenticating, so you don’t have to.


Early childhood expert

It’s hard to believe that anything this good could be made for children. The playkits has everything a child needs in order develop visual skills, alongside making them stronger neuroens! It is truly remarkable how these creators have revolutionized parenting by making it easy on both parent and kid alike.


Montessori teacher

Well done to Babysteps for creating such a great product that not only aligns with the principles of Montessori but also comes complete with research on how best use these toys. We admire their hard work and dedication in providing parents what they need!

Our vision

Why we developed baby toys box?

At Babysteps, we know you want to help your child learn and grow in every aspect. To do that, you need the right toys, geared toward their specific age. The goal is to find the perfect set of toys that accelerate your child’s mind while allowing them to learn new skills. However, the problem is that stores are stocked with plastic toys that aren’t expertly designed for learning. We believe there is an easier way.

Our subscription boxes are packed with age-appropriate Montessori toys that are expertly designed to stimulate your child’s brain. Each toy is consulted by paediatrician and designed by child development experts, so you can be confident in the quality of play you’re providing for your child.

By purchasing a baby educational toy subscription box today, you’re guaranteeing your child the perfect foundation for learning through play. We know your child will love our baby development toys, and you’ll love observing and seeing your child overcoming new learning milestones everyday!

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