Montessori Language Development Activities for Babies | Babysteps

Language includes both verbal as well as non-verbal communication. It is through language that one expresses themselves to others and understands them. Besides adapting to the environment, language has the tendency to help one to explore. However, this is not the same when it comes to the babies around. 

Their perspective is quite different from ours. From the time a baby is born, it is our voice that they get familiar with and recognize that someone is present to orient or console them. Guess you are here because you are a new parent and are looking forward to supporting your baby’s development of language. 

In that case, if you are familiar with the Montessori concept, then you will understand that it is crucial for parents to create an atmosphere that supports a child’s development of natural language. Therefore, here are a few things mentioned below that can be done in their support.

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Use Rich Language 

One of the first things that you can do for your child in support of their Montessori language development activities is to use rich language. As parents, most of them are seen using terms like “Goo Goo Gaa Gaa”, “Husshh”, “Yayyy” and more. 

This is certainly the biggest mistake you would make in the development of your child’s language as your child would be growing to learn these words only. Rather you must use correct and rich words so that they can learn them. Also, make sure to pronounce them clearly so they can do or even try to do the same.

Remove Obstacles to Communication 

If your house has a loud environment or has spaces with constant noises, then know that it can create an obstacle in the communication process. To avoid hindrances in the language, make sure to turn off the appliances like pacifiers and others or simply lower the volume of the TV. 

This will help to prevent the brain from getting overstimulated. Rather choose to take out time to listen to music with your baby or use a pacifier for a limited time. As you do this, you would be clearing the obstacles that are causing problems in the communication development of the baby.

Read Books and Sing Rhymes

Another thing that can be done to develop your child’s Montessori language is to read books for them and sing rhymes with them. 

Make sure to choose books with characters and real themes involved as it would make learning easier. While singing rhymes use body language and make eye contact and expressions for them to understand the gestures clearly. 

Make them a Part of Conversations

Do not keep your child locked away in the crib or think they are too young to listen to the ongoing conversation in the house. 

Rather allow your child to be a part of healthy conversations and listen to whatever is being talked about. This will allow them to learn the pattern of how conversations are made and also learn new words.


Learning a language at home does not have to be challenging. It is important to keep in mind that when you keep the activities enjoyable and straightforward- the child is going to learn more than you can ever imagine.

However, following the above tips have proven to be helpful that you can choose. Also, it will help you to create lasting memories at the same time.

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