The Importance of Tummy Time for Baby: When to Start and the Benefits

As a new parent, you may be wondering when to start tummy time for your baby. Tummy time is important for babies because it helps them develop their muscles and coordination. It also helps strengthen their neck and back muscles. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of tummy time for newborn babies, as well as when to start tummy time.

Most babies start tummy time around two or three months old. You can start tummy time earlier, but be sure to supervise your baby and stop if they seem uncomfortable. To do tummy time, simply place your baby on their tummy on a flat surface for a few minutes at a time. As your baby gets older, you can increase the amount of time they spend doing tummy time each day.

Tummy Time for Baby

Benefits of tummy time for newborn babies

There are many benefits of tummy time for newborn babies. Tummy time helps babies develop their muscles and coordination. It also helps strengthen their neck and back muscles. Tummy time is also important for helping babies learn to roll over, sit up, crawl, and walk. In addition, tummy time can help reduce the risk of developing flat head syndrome.

If you’re looking for ways to help your baby develop their muscles and coordination, tummy time is a great option. Be sure to start tummy time when your baby is around two or three months old, and increase the amount of time they spend doing tummy time each day as they get older. You may be surprised at all the benefits tummy time has for your newborn baby!

We have included a variety of tummy time mirrors, rattles, contrast cards and wooden toys in our 0-4 months baby toys kit to help your baby enjoy tummy time.  Shop tummy time toys here.


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