Montessori Baby Activities to Boost Child’s Brain Development | Babysteps

Starting from birth to the age of three, a child’s brain is known to grow quickly. All aspects of a child’s growth are influenced by the brain’s development or cognitive development. Talking about cognitive development encompasses thinking, learning, problem-solving abilities and others. 

However, guessing you are here because your child is in the stage where his brain development is your major concern. Well, how you support your child’s brain development is a common question that might come across your mind as a parent. In that case, here are some suggestions to promote brain development that you can look into.

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Sleep Should be a Priority

Make sleep a priority for your child since both the quality and quantity of sleep have a significant impact on brain ability. Your kids’ brains are active while they are asleep. The brains are hard at work organising and analysing all the information the children were exposed to throughout the day. 

And because children often sleep for longer periods of time and do so more peacefully, their brains have plenty of time to organise information for easy access in the future. Moreover, when the child will have a good sleep, they are likely to experience an improvement in their thinking skills, motor skills, memory, self-control, and more.


One of the finest ways to encourage a child’s brain growth is by reading. Reading helps a child develop language and communication abilities even before they can recognise letters or words. A child’s mind connects words and pictures when they hear and see them. 

Repeating the same books helps you become more familiar with the spoken words and the written imagery. So if you want your child to boost their brain’s development, then reading story books or infant books is a great thing to do.

Choose to Offer Comfort

Many are not aware but stress can be felt by infants in reality. If you find your child being restless or crying too much, then know that he or she needs you more than ever. 

By holding and stroking your child, you can let them know that you are available to support and assist them in times of stress.

You should know that constant inconsistent care is worse for a baby’s ability to handle stress than responsive, caring, and supportive care. Also being present with them creates a stronger emotional bond in the relationship that you both share.

Playing is Must 

The brain development of an infant or toddler can be greatly aided by play. When it comes to actively engage your child’s brain, playing can start in any way or form including as a game, conversation, or just singing. A baby’s brain develops through activities like peek-a-boo and holding items out for observation. 

Or simply having a busy board around can help them master certain skills. You can also discuss your actions with your infant. Sing songs with actions for toddlers, and promote pretend play, colouring, block, toy building and other similar games. 

These will help in encouraging creativity and imagination. Not to mention, this will also help in strengthening the bond between you and your child with time.

Utilize Music

It is said that music has a way to connect with the soul. In simple words, through music, your child would be able to easily connect with and boost their brain’s power. 

Children learn the value of commitment and determination via the process of learning a new instrument from the start, as well as what can be accomplished with perseverance. On the other hand, in the presence of music, they are likely to become more focused on doing a particular task.

Teach Shorter Lessons

When helping your child in the development of their brain, you can simply teach them shorter lessons. This would make it easier for them to pay attention to smaller details and focus on learning. 

Whereas the longer lessons can be too much to take in or understand at a time. Chances are that this may also cause problems in their ability to focus with time. When lessons are given in small doses, the child’s brain easily processes new information and retains more of what they have learnt for a longer time period.


The brain of a child has the potential to absorb information and learn up to the age of six. This is why it is important to nourish the childhood years with experiences that can help them to grow mentally. On the other hand, increasing the brain power of the child may sound complex at first but could be fun if you follow the above-mentioned tips.

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