Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Introduce Montessori Activities to Your Baby | Babysteps

As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is developing and growing in

Learn the Montessori Approach to Feeding and Weaning Your Baby | Babysteps

The Montessori approach to feeding and weaning your baby emphasizes independence, respect for the child,

How Montessori-Style Toys Help Develop Baby’s Skills | Babysteps

Montessori-style toys are designed to stimulate a child’s senses and curiosity, while promoting the development

Observation as a Key Element in Montessori-Style Parenting for Babies | Babysteps

Observation is a crucial aspect of Montessori-style parenting for babies. This approach involves observing the

The Montessori Approach to Tummy Time for Babies | Babysteps

Tummy time is an important part of a baby’s development as it helps strengthen their

How to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Montessori Baby’s Routine | Babysteps

Incorporating mindfulness into your baby’s daily routine can be a great way to promote calmness,

How to Introduce Montessori-Inspired Outdoor Exploration for Your Baby | Babysteps

Montessori education emphasizes the importance of outdoor exploration and contact with nature for the development

Encouraging Children’s Brain Development with Montessori Cleaning Toys | Babysteps

Play is a child’s work, and one of the most effective ways to encourage their

Important Gross Motor Skills for Babies | Babysteps

Gross motor skills are an essential aspect of every child’s physical development. It doesn’t matter

Why is Copying babies a good thing for them?

If you have a child at home, you will notice how they mimic sounds and