Author Archives: Babysteps

Encouraging Children’s Brain Development with Montessori Cleaning Toys | Babysteps

Play is a child’s work, and one of the most effective ways to encourage their

Important Gross Motor Skills for Babies | Babysteps

Gross motor skills are an essential aspect of every child’s physical development. It doesn’t matter

Why is Copying babies a good thing for them?

If you have a child at home, you will notice how they mimic sounds and

Why Babies Drop Spoons and Other Things on Purpose | Babysteps

Being a parent is one of the most joyous occasions of anyone’s life. Despite being

How to Talk With a Baby Who Doesn’t Speak Yet |Babysteps

As a baby approaches toddlerhood, parents feel overjoyed. In toddlerhood, a undergoes many developmental stages

Montessori Baby Play Tips – 5 Ways to Help Your Baby’s Development | Babysteps

Babies grow up really fast. As parents, you feel amazed over how quickly your kid

Why Do Babies Love Walking Around? | Babysteps

The first step of a baby is something that the parents await from their child’s

Easy Ways to Make Montessori Baby Sensory Bottles for Fun and Development | Babysteps

Sensory play is important for each kid as it helps them to develop fine motor

How Kicking Play Helps Babies Learn to Roll | Babysteps

While your little one is growing up, they become more mobile daily. In just a

Why Do Babies Love the Tissue Box?

Babies are sensitive to their environment from birth and pick up various things to develop